
Centrifuge: New listing on BCM!

December 28, 2023

Centrifuge (CFG) Now Available from BCM for Trade

Starting today at BCM, you can trade Centrifuge (CFG), a digital currency that connects real assets to the blockchain. CFG makes loans more accessible to small businesses and offers investors stable returns through the DeFi protocol.

What does Centrifuge do?

Centrifuge facilitates access to credit for small businesses and provides stable returns for investors. This DeFi lending protocol integrates seamlessly with traditional finance, providing agile liquidity pools and innovative credit solutions.

What's special about Centrifuge?

Centrifuge's Tinlake app facilitates the tokenization of real assets into NFTs on the blockchain. As a result, assets are easily funded and traded, while CFG tokens grant governance rights to holders for future development.

The CFG token is used to complete transactions on the platform. Furthermore, CFG is also used to secure the network and vote on upgrades to the protocol and other important decisions.

Start trading CFG at BCM today and discover the new opportunities Centrifuge offers in the world of DeFi!