
Join our user test and help improve BCM!

January 16, 2024

At BCM, we believe the best way to improve your user experience is through direct feedback from you, our user. That's why we invite you to participate in our latest user test. Your opinion is essential to us, and this is your chance to directly influence the look and feel of BCM.

How you can help

We have developed some new prototypes as potential alternatives to existing screens in our app. We are curious to see if these changes are an improvement. Your task is simple: check out the prototypes and tell us which one you like best.

The testing process:

  1. Give your honest opinion: Don't be afraid to be honest. There are no right or wrong answers.
  2. Choose your preference: We'll show you several design options, such as strike locations and portfolio pages. Just tell us which one you like best.

Ready to get started?

Your feedback is crucial to us. It helps us understand what works and what doesn't, and how we can make the BCM app even more user-friendly. Providing feedback takes about 5 minutes of your time, and you can participate at a time that is convenient for you. Click the button below and start testing right away. Your input is valuable and greatly appreciated by the entire BCM team!